The first Summit was held on December 1, 1995 and the 27th annual Summit will be held on November 8-9, 2022.
NSIIP was created in 2005 to continue the annual Summit and hosted Summits 2006 through 2016.
With NSIIP’s support the Hyphen Network took over hosting the 2017 and future Summits.

The National Society of Institutional Investment Professionals (NSIIP) is a nationwide, voluntary nonprofit educational organization that was established to promote the exchange of information and the education of institutional investment professionals. It advocates standards of qualification, develops and promotes continuing education programs and participates in any other way in the advancement of institutional investment professionals.

The annual Summit is the primary educational event held in the fall of the year. We typically have two key speakers that set the stage to address the current investment issues. The issues are then addressed by a number of panel discussions that focus on more detailed analysis and different approaches to the issues.

NSIIP was established in 2006 to host the 12th Annual Summit in 2006 and continued through the 22nd Annual Summit in 2016. Beginning in 2017 NSIIP has worked closely with Hyphen Network to continue the Summit tradition. Hyphen Network hosted the 23rd Annual Summit in 2017 and has continued hosting the Summits since then. The 2019 Summit will be the 25th Annual.

With the successful completion of the 2017 and 2018 Summits, NSIIP gained confidence that the Hyphen Network would continue hosting the Summits. NSIIP turned over the www.NSIIP.org web site to the DFW Institutional Investment Forum to continue with educational luncheons and Forums in the DFW area. With our goals achieved NSIIP was dissolved on June 27, 2019.


  • Established NSIIP officers and By-Laws as well as a Texas Advisory Board diversified by region and plan sponsor type to meet 3-4 times annually, thru conference calls and meeting at our annual Summit.
  • To encourage and support local groups/organizations that provide continuing education to institutional investment professionals.
  • Sponsor the annual Summit in the fall held historically in Dallas at one of the hotels and attended by corporate, public, non-profits, hospitals, and consultants from throughout Texas. The Summit is a day long event packed with speakers and panel discussions on timely subjects. Of course there is a networking reception the previous day.
  • Support the local group in Dallas (now the DFW Institutional Investment Forum) that holds eight regular luncheon meetings each year, along with several special meetings. Meetings are held at the Park Cities Club in North Dallas with a speaker and networking opportunity all for the price of lunch.
          1) Special meetings have included meetings at the Dallas Federal Reserve.
          2) Partner with others to host conferences and workshops in the DFW area.